Welcome Course
Charmain writes: For those of you who were able to attend St John’s on 4th August you will have heard Daniel preach, who Simon described as “part of the fruit of the Welcome Course.” UKHK is a project run by… Read more
Ride & Stride
Ride & Stride is an annual event to raise funds for the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust, a body that makes grants to help maintain church buildings that are many hundreds of years older than the modern building we have at… Read more
Thank you Tom!
A huge thank you to Tom Morgan for the many blessings he has brought to St John’s in our time of vacancy. We are holding a Farewell Lunch for him after this Sunday’s 11am service. Please join us if you… Read more
Chair Movers Needed x 2
We are expecting a full church for Patches’ Induction service on 27th August and will need to move chairs to accommodate everyone. If you are able to stay behind after the 11am service on 25th August or spare an hour… Read more