Update from Uganda

We are awaiting a fuller update from Raymond and Shelley in Uganda – possibly internet connection has not been available. In the meantime from a text message we can confirm that all is going well. Two of the Swindon group… Read more

Willows Annual Concert

The Annual concert in Aid of Willows Counselling by Encore will be on Saturday 4th March at 7:30pm. Tickets can be obtained from either Howard W or Willows office, or on the door.

Church Kitchen Deep Clean

The church kitchen is due its deep clean. Helpers are needed to clear the kitchen cupboards ready for the professional cleaners to come in. This is on the afternoon/evening of Monday 27th February and then to put things back on… Read more

So what exactly is Lent?

Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Day. Lent does not actually appear in the Bible. It is a tradition which has grown… Read more

Bishop Mike—Important News

Bishop Mike writes: “After much prayer and discussion with Anthea, I have decided that I shall retire as Bishop of Bristol with effect from 30 September 2017. In April, I shall be 68 and will have completed 19 years as… Read more

Why the response card?

Recently I talked with a vicar who had run a Renewal of Giving without following it up with a promise card. She had preached. She had written articles. She had encouraged. It was all good. But I felt it was… Read more