What are the times of your Sunday services?

9.00am and 10:30am. The 9.00am service is more traditional in its worship and the 10:30am has more of a contemporary flavour.

Is there parking nearby?

There are a several spaces for parking directly outside the church (access via Thames Avenue) on the tarmac area. We are right besides Morrison’s, and they are happy for you to use the supermarket car park for free.

What can I expect when I arrive?

When you arrive, you’ll be handed a news sheet and directed to the seating area in the church. You can sit wherever you like.

What happens in a service?

Each service is about an hour to an hour and a half long and the 10:30am service especially is informal in style. We want you to feel comfortable with us. You don’t need to know about Christianity or the Bible; you won’t be asked to say anything or to pray out loud and we don’t expect you’ll know all the songs and hymns. The service will contain worship songs/hymns, prayers, Bible readings and a sermon. Sometimes we’ll do an interview with a member of the congregation or community, and sometimes we’ll have a short video. We’ll celebrate Holy Communion at the 9.00am service every week (except the third Sunday of the month), and once a month at the 10:30am service. Most weeks we offer prayer ministry at the end of both services – if you would especially like someone else to pray for you or someone you know.

And what about the children?

During the 10:30am service, activities for children and teens take place in other parts of the building.

These are all run by adults who have all been through our safeguarding procedures.

Babies are welcome to stay in the service but we do offer a crèche situated next to the worship area for parents/carers to stay with their infants. The crèche has a window through to the worship area, so you can see and hear what’s going on. Sound from the service is relayed to the crèche. We ask that if your baby is unsettled that you take him or her to the crèche and stay with them there.

In school holidays and roughly once a month at other times, we have an all-age service at 10:30am where there is no children’s programme – children and teens stay in the service, which is deliberately more suited for people of all ages.

Is there a dress code?

No. Just wear whatever you would normally wear.

Do you cater for people with disabilities?

For wheelchair users, there are no steps at the main entrance – just flat access. As seating in the main worship area is not fixed, we can easily move chairs to accommodate one or more wheelchairs. There is a toilet for disabled people.

We have a hearing loop in the building for those with hearing aids; our song words are projected onto large TV screens, so they can be easily seen and read by those with visual impairment.

What happens at the end of a service?

Refreshments are served at the end of each service – in the room beyond the crèche room. A lot of people stay for a drink and chat, and it’s a great way to get to know people.

And, if you are there for the first time, we have a Welcome Pack for you.

How can I receive the church notices?

The data protection regulations (GDPR) require that we confirm your consent to receive the church bulletin by email. You will need to be a church member or closely connected with St Johns church, please fill in your details and send us an email.

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