After such a spiritual Sunday last week...
After such a spiritual Sunday last week with Roger Morgan, it might seem less than inspiring to talk about money. Roger was talking last week about what it was to be a Spirit filled church. If we are, it should… Read more
Chancellor Gives Thousands of Pounds to St John’s
Is This a Joke? No. It is called Gift Aid. How does Gift Aid work? Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. This means we can claim back… Read more
The End of an Era
Two people who have been on the receiving end of our giving over the years have been Peter and Sally Bartlett. Peter is Bishop of Paraguay and has been so for many years. Their long service years of service in… Read more
Remembering the Past: Blessing the Future
When loved ones die people often like to give something in their memory. To this end, a few years ago your PCC set up of the St. John’s Memorial Fund. The money given to this fund is used to fund… Read more
Practising What We Preach
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. So, for disciples of Jesus, money is fundamentally about giving not getting. The PCC believes it is important to set an example when it comes to giving. We cannot… Read more
The Plural of Disciple is Church
This morning we will be welcoming Roger Morgan from The Mathetes Trust. What exactly is The Mathetes Trust? This what they say about themselves on their website. The Plural of Disciple is Church Mathetes is the New Testament word for… Read more
From Bristol Cathedral to Westminster Abbey
We want to congratulate The Very Revd Dr David Hoyle who is currently Dean of Bristol Cathedral. He has just been appointed to the post of Dean of Westminster. David will become the 39th Dean of Westminster, overseeing the spiritual… Read more
A Half Century of the Uganda Bristol Link
October 2019 will make the 50th anniversary of the Bristol Uganda Link. “Bristol” is this case refers to the whole diocese. St John’s has been one of the churches most active in developing and maintaining the connections between our two… Read more
The World’s Best Seller…..and yet
This is what Bible Society says about its vision for this extraordinary book. “We live in a world where too many people don’t engage with the Bible. In some parts of the world, the Scriptures are difficult to access or… Read more
Mercy Ships
Last week Bill told us about the extraordinary impact that the hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, was having around the world. At 9am we followed the moving story of a woman who saw her children for the first time as… Read more
Next Week…
Canon Roger Morgan of The Mathetes Trust will be at both services. His theme will be “The Holy Spirit” and there will be prayer ministry during and after each service.
How Can I Pray for Christians Suffering Persecution?
Life is very easy for us here in the West. It can cost a great deal to be a believer in other parts of the world. The Barnabas Fund Website will supply you with lots of information about the lives… Read more