Welcome Course for Hong Kongers by UKHK.org


  • 為什麼英國人總是談論天氣?
  • 當有人邀請您參加Sunday Lunch時,禮儀是什麼?
  • 英國各地的不同社區和國家慶祝的那些不同的日子和節日是什麼?


如果您對這些感到好奇,我們有一個可以讓你跟本地教會朋友建立聯繫、解答這些問題的大好機會!在Welcome Course,我們誠邀您透過面對面形式,跟您附近的基督徒朋友一起討論英國生活和文化中所有可愛或奇怪的地方。如果跟本地「知情人士」來一場輕鬆、有趣的討論是你「那杯茶」的話,就千萬不要錯過Welcome Course囉。今天就報名加入我們吧!



1 歡迎來到英國

2 了解英國文化

3 交朋友

4 身心健康

5 解決問題

6 公民身份




Great turn-out at the Welcome Course.

Great turn-out at the Welcome Course.

UKHK Welcome Course將以英文(影片將配備中文字幕)進行,費用全免。它將於以下時間地點舉行:

日期:2025 (星期一)二月24日, 三月 3, 10, 17, 24, 31日.

時間:11:30 am to 1:30 pm (課程是 11:30am to 12:30pm;  12:30pm 至 1:30pm 是一起吃午飯時間)

地點:St John’s Church Haydon Wick (Next to North Swindon Morrisons) 


報名及查詢:請直接聯絡 Charmain

今天便報名參加Welcome Course,和我們一起探索英國文化、生活、交個朋友吧!


Welcome Course for Hong Kongers by UKHK.org


Sharing food is part of the key components of Welcome Course

Sharing food is part of the key components of Welcome Course 💖.


  •  Why do British people talk about the weather all the time?
  •  What are the etiquettes when someone invites you to a Sunday lunch?
  •  And what are all those different days and festivals that are celebrated in different communities and countries across the UK?

If you are curious about these, here is the perfect chance for you to find out the answers and get connected to others here in the neighbourhood!



At The Welcome Course, we invite you to join your neighbourhood Christian friends in person for a cup of tea or a meal, and chat over our Course videos introducing all the endearing (but also possibly peculiar) aspects of British lives and cultures.

Sign up today if, as they say, fun, light-hearted (but also open and mutually respectful) discussions about your new homeland with those “in the know” is your “cup of tea”.

English Afternoon Tea


Course Sessions:                                  

1 Welcome to the UK             

2 Understanding British Culture

3 Making Friends

4 Wellbeing

5 Problem Solving

6 Citizenship



The Welcome Course will be available for free in English with Cantonese subtitles.



The Welcome Course - we look forward to seeing you there!

The Welcome Course – we look forward to seeing you there!

Course dates below.

The next UKHK Welcome Course 5 is coming in February 2025 

Day Date Time
Monday February 24 11:30 am to 1:45pm
Monday March 3 11:30 am to 1:45pm
Monday March 10 11:30 am to 1:45pm
Monday March 17 11:30 am to 1:45pm
Monday March 24 11:30 am to 1:45pm
Monday March 31 11:30 am to 1:45pm


Venue: St John’s Church, Haydon Wick (Next to North Swindon Morrisons) 

Free parking available. 

For sign up and questions, please contact Charmain.

Join us at the UKHK Welcome Course – we look forward to seeing you there!