Jar of Grace 2021
Why Should I Give to the Jar of Grace? Tearfund were on the ground this year in Afghanistan working with local partners to provide vital food and hygiene supplies to people affected by violence. Here is the story of just… Read more
Our Community ... and the One Next Door
ROCK Café in Haydon Wick We want to start the ROCK Café again in 2022—as early as we can. Mary is willing to lead— along with Anna — but they cannot do it all. They will need help and support… Read more
Charmain is in Hong Kong
We send our very best wishes to Charmain who will be reading this item during a three-week quarantine in Hong Kong. Her father had a serious fall a few weeks ago, but thankfully he is much better. Before she left,… Read more
Swindon Youth For Christ (SYFC)
They’ve had a serious re-appraisal. SYFC is one of our local mission partners. The epidemic has not been easy for any Christian organisations but SYFC has had a vey tough one leading them, “to question [our] purpose and role.” Before… Read more
Richard Leaman - Diocesan Secretary or CEO
Raymond’s very last task as Chair of the House of Clergy was to meet the three candidates who had been shortlisted for the job of CEO at Hillside House. That is the person who manages the diocesan support staff as… Read more
Christingle and Carol Service
We are looking for volunteers to serve refreshments after two services in December. Christingle on 12th December @ 4:30pm Carols by Candlelight on 19th December @ 6:30pm Ideally we would like a small team to set up, serve teas, coffees… Read more
First Choir Practice for the Carol Service (19th December)
The good news is that we have enough singers for the Carol Service Choir. There won’t be as many singers as usual because we can only have a certain number of people on the dais this year due to Covid…. Read more
Guests from Hong Kong
Charmaine writes: Our Nov 6 event for the Hong Kongers went very well. People started to arrive and fill the church room with all sorts of foods. “There was such a buzz with everyone chatting over a delicious potluck lunch”… Read more
Christmas - Scouts Can Help With Cards
Scout Post Yvonne is selling scout stamps this year. They are 30p each. If anyone would like to buy stamps Yvonne will have them with her on Sundays at 9am. We will do our best to find a way to… Read more
Living in Love and Faith
Raymond has just started on an LLF course. The first and last week are in Bristol when we met face to face. The middle weeks are on Zoom. So—how did the first session go? I had a brilliant time. Up… Read more
Covid Recovery
Even though winter is closing in, St John’s is gradually coming out of hibernation. We have plans and ideas to bring to the PCC meeting in November. After that we will make them known to the congregation as a whole…. Read more
The Future for the Swindon Homeless?
Angus Macpherson, is Treasurer of The Filling Station. He wrote to thank us here at St John’s for providing so many tins of food at Harvest. But what is the latest situation for those people that The Filling Station cares… Read more