On Board The Africa Mercy
Week 5 done and it has been the best yet! Work is becoming easier as I learn how to deal with the diverse range of things expected of me. Fixing hand held radios one day, testing the fire sensor system… Read more
Toiletries Collection for Women’s Refuge
The Craft Club are making a Harvest Collection of Ladies toiletries for the Women’s Refuge. If anyone would like to add something to this please leave in the basket under the table in the church hall.
Two Final Journeys to Cover
We will need to transport our Ugandan visitors around while they are here. A number of people have signed up from various churches to do this. However there is one gap we have not filled. It is essential that we… Read more
Latest News from Bill
Week 4 done! Surgeries began for the first time on Tuesday. That was preceded by Dr Gary Parker using the PA system to pray across the whole ship. Each department begins the day with a meeting for prayer and to… Read more
Tearfund The Big Quiz Night at St John’s
Saturday, 16th November – 6pm With bring and share meal. Adults £5. Children free. (Pay on the night, but sign up in advance so we know numbers.) Volunteers to set up and wash up are needed. Sign up forms for… Read more
Changes to Marriage Law
All kinds of things have been circulating on the Internet and in the papers concerning upcoming alterations to the marriage service. Much has yet to be agreed. We do know a few things for certain. Firstly, the legislation will provide… Read more
Message to Childrens’ Leaders
You are currently operating with the red book containing the Light syllabus for the year. The new blue one has arrived and is waiting for you to pick it up on the table in the foyer. Message to Assistant Leaders… Read more
Christingle - 8th December
Volunteers will be needed after our Christingle service, to serve the tea, coffee, mince pies etc. If you could help, please let Catherine know.
Good News From Bible Society in Syria
It’s sometimes the case that in the most terrible of times, good things emerge. We see that message threaded through the Bible: amid the most dire situations, God brings good. And it’s still the testimony of God’s people today. We… Read more
They also serve who only stand and wait….
Our thanks to Joan, Brenda and other helpers who kindly waited in church yesterday for the many walkers and cyclists taking part in the Annual “Ride and Stride” Event so their sponsorship forms could be signed. This event raises a… Read more
Challengers All At Sea
We are getting closer to the weekend of October 4th –6th. Not only will there be two Uganda Fire events, but the Challengers will be going to their lightship. We really appreciate the generous support of so many church members—and… Read more
Uganda Fire
Saturday, 5th October @ St Francis school at 10am— Uganda Fire for kids Saturday, 5th October @ St Michael Highworth at 7pm — Swindon Worship Event The first event is free. The second is £5 which will help to pay for… Read more