Mud, Mud Glorious Mud
PCC took the first steps towards improving the car park this week. It will be obvious to anyone who parks their car on the “green” area outside the church, that in winter it is more likely to be brown. The… Read more
Situation Vacant - PCC Minutes’ Secretary
Winnie has served as Minutes’ Secretary to the PCC for a number of years. However, she feels she is ready to hand that role on to someone else. We want to record our thanks to Winnie for her service. She… Read more
Visiting Preacher: Tony Njoroge
Some of you will have met Tony, his wife and their children. They arrived in our church a few months ago. Tony sometimes appears under the name Hosea. Tony is currently undertaking a course in theology at Roehampton University in… Read more
Late Night Christmas Shopping
Message from The Lighthouse Bookshop in Highworth: The Lighthouse Bookshop in Highworth High Street will remain open until 8.00pm each Wednesday evening from 16th November until 21st December. This will give those who can’t get to us during the day,… Read more

Pram Club Christmas Party
The Pram Club Christmas Party Monday will be held on 12th December, 9:30am – 12:30am. This will to be lead by the pram club leaders themselves this year. Please pray for the leaders and guests to this joyful Christmas event.

Focus on Mission Partners
Firstly, Uganda: The Uganda trip is getting closer. Raymond, Shellie and five members of other Swindon churches will be going out to Uganda in February. We have just heard that the churches in the parish of West Swindon have estab… Read more
Peers press the Government for action on FOBTs
Gambling may be entertainment to some. But it can quickly become a severe addiction, causing misery. Last week, Peers in the House of Lords considered an amendment to the Policing and Crime Bill tabled by the Bishop of St Albans…. Read more