At St John’s we firmly believe that children are not just the church of the future, they’re the church of today as well. So we try to reflect that in our 11.00am contemporary service.

Every service begins with all ages worshipping together, then, during term time, children, up to the age of 18, go off to their own groups to learn more about the Bible and the Christian faith. 


Sunday School Groups

We have two groups that meet on a Sunday morning:

Junior Sunday School Age 3 –  Age 11 / Year 6 of Primary School
Challengers Age 11-18 – Secondary School

Before Covid we had more groups with smaller age ranges. This is something we hope to return to once the numbers of children attending allow.

Teenagers Talking

Additional Events for Youth

Once a term Swindon Youth for Christ put on an event call Synergy. An evening of worship, testimonials and meeting other Christian youths in Swindon. 


Babies and young children are welcome to stay in the service. If they get restless there is a dedicated area where they can play with toys and read books with their parents. The room has a window allowing adults to see in to the service and a speaker, which relays the sound so you can still hear the service.

All Age Services

Once a month and in school holidays we have All Age Worship when the service is designed for all ages to worship together for the whole time.


We take safeguarding and keeping children safe, very seriously at St John’s. Every Sunday school Leader and Helper is fully DBS checked and undertakes Safeguarding training.

You can read our  Safeguarding Policy  Or if you have any concerns regarding a child or Sunday School leader please contact the Safeguarding Officer.