The End of an Era

It is with great sadness that we have to report that Lynda has decided that it is time for her to stop playing the organ at our 9am service. She will continue until the end of the year, but after… Read more

The Rock Cafe

And yet another era comes to an end with the departure from the Rock Cafe John and Dee. There are not many people left who have been part of The Rock from the very beginning. John and Dee have been… Read more

Who is Teresa?

Teresa is from the parish of Wroughton. She will be ordained in 2018 and is going to be spending the next few weeks with us, from Christmas Eve up until the beginning of February. This placement in St John’s is… Read more

Stressed Out??

We thought we would start 2018 with a different kind of mini-series containing just two sermons. Under the theme “Will 2018 be the same as 2017?”, we want to look at “Stress” and “Play”. St Paul describes our life as… Read more

Counters and Bankers

Following our appeal for more counters and bankers for our 2018 rota, we have so far had two new volunteers and one who is already on the rota is willing to double the number of times she counts. This means… Read more

Asking for the Moon

We have an evangelistic opportunity at St Francis School, when dozens of people who do not come to church will gather in the assembly Hall on Christmas Eve to enjoy what is basically a repeat of our own Christingle service…. Read more

Prayer Meeting

The January prayer meeting will be held in church on Wednesday, 10th January 2018, from 8pm to 9pm and will be led by the Rother Close home group. Please put this in your diary now so that as many of… Read more

Children’s Choir

If you missed the children’s choir at Christingle, you have the opportunity to hear them again on Sunday morning. A big thank you to Jo and Sarah who organised it all. Behind this performance lie many hours of rehearsals and… Read more