Every Sunday we have two services of different character, but the same theme and sermon.

Worshipping God through music is the hallmark of the 10:30am service, while Holy Communion is the centre of the 9.00am. They are very different from each other but have much in common.

Both have a strong commitment to teaching. The sermons are identical. Something else both services have in common is a strong sense of humour. There is always a lot of laughter in St John’s.

You are very welcome to join us for tea, coffee and a chat after any of the services.

Some weeks, at the end of both services, there is the opportunity for prayer ministry with members of our prayer ministry team.

9.00am Communion

At 9.00am we tend to be quiet and reflective. We worship God by singing hymns accompanied by an organ, using the liturgy of the Church of England and hearing from the Bible. Most Sundays this is a Holy Communion service; once a month using the words from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Communion Service. On the third Sunday of the month we celebrate Morning Prayer instead of Communion. The service lasts up to an hour and a quarter.

Worship Group

At 10:30am we tend to be lively and informal. We worship God by singing contemporary worship songs accompanied by a music group, using a very small amount of liturgy, and hearing from the Bible. Children of primary school age have their own groups in term time for most of the service and there is a crèche available for pre-school children. Most Sundays this is a Morning Praise Service. Once a month we have an all-age service which includes the children all the time (more frequently in school holidays). On the third Sunday of the month we celebrate Holy Communion. Our all-age service lasts an hour, at most. Other services are up to 30 minutes longer.

Around Christmas and Easter we have special services and the service pattern may be changed on a Sunday. Look at our Calendar for further details.

We welcome anyone who is baptised and loves the Lord Jesus to receive communion. If you are not accustomed to receiving communion, you may prefer a blessing at the communion rail. Children who have been baptised and reached an age of understanding (around ten years old) can attend a short course to give them an understanding of Communion. After that they may receive the bread and wine. Until then, we welcome them to join the rest of the church family and receive a blessing.