Prayer is central to the life of St John’s as it expresses our dependence on God and keeps us in touch with his Holy Spirit. As well as prayers for the world and our community in every service and a list of current needs within our congregation in our bulletin each week, we have the following opportunities for prayer.
Prayer Meetings
We have a prayer meeting every month to pray for the needs of the church and the world. This is an informal time of praise and prayer which last about an hour. The day of the week varies each month, so check the calendar for details.
Prayer Ministry
Twice a month at the 11:00am, prayer ministry is available at the end of the services. Prayer ministry is one (or more) Christians praying for God to meet a specific need in another person’s life through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus. It is not praying on behalf of someone else, it is praying with someone else.
Everyone on the prayer ministry team has undergone basic training, follows St John’s prayer ministry guidelines and understands the importance of confidentiality.
If you would like someone to pray with you on a week when prayer ministry is not available, please ask the welcome team.
Prayer Circle
We have a prayer circle so that special or urgent requests for prayer from members of the congregation can be responded to quickly. Anyone who needs prayer, perhaps for an illness, or a crisis at home or at work can request prayer support from the St John’s Prayer Circle. No prayer request is circulated on the circle unless the person, who is to be prayed for, has consented. Confidentiality is preserved.
Alison Wiltshire is our prayer circle co-ordinator. Contact Alison