Begin the Year with Prayer
Paul writes: Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Keep alert—and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. We want to be a church which obeys these commands. We aim to… Read more
Seven Lessons and Carols
One of the wonderful services of the year is our Christmas Carol Service. It is a service full of mystery and hope which this year will be held on the day before Christmas Eve. The church will, as ever, be… Read more
Educationalists visit Uganda
Simon and Sally will be going to Uganda in February along with Mrs Gale, the Headteacher at Haydon Wick, and Mrs Farrell the head of St Francis. In addition the aim of this trip is to develop our links with… Read more
Mulled Wine Party
Raymond and Alison will be holding their annual mulled wine party on Tuesday, 18th December from 7:30pm onwards. Do please come along and join us.
Carols and Craft
A number of children told Alison in school how much they enjoyed last Saturday’s Carols and Craft Event and what a great time they had. The craft was of a very high quality, and it undoubtedly took a lot of organising…. Read more
Christingle Factories
The Craft Club make many dozen Christingles the day before the service. We always want to make sure that every child gets a Christingle with all the trimmings. So a big thanks to Catherine and the Craft Club for all your… Read more
Colour Copier
Our new photocopier is in place thanks in large measure to the hard work done by Tom, who negotiated the deal for us. We will certainly be printing the bulletin in colour over the Christmas period and will make a… Read more
The Midnight Communion Service
The Midnight Communion Service this year will begin at 11:00pm and not at 11:30pm as normal.
Christmas Flowers
If you would like to give money for flower over Christmas, please mark your envelope “Christmas Flowers” and put it in the plate in the normal way.
The Seniors’ Christmas Lunch
We want to say a special thank you to all those who took part in the lunch last Saturday. That includes all those of you who provided food for the event, not least the last minute trifles. It was probably… Read more
Christingle in St John’s
When we started doing Christingle, it was pretty well the only one in this area. However, since then the popularity of this service has mushroomed, and children are likely to encounter more than one Christingle service each year. However, our St… Read more
Christingle Factory Needed
Just when it looked as though we had solved the Christingle question for good, we discover we have to do it all over again… It takes a lot of people to put together a hundred oranges, candles, sweets, ribbon and… Read more