Still Going!!! One Year On

It was wonderful last week at 9am to note that five regular members of the congregation present at that service had not been part of the church when lockdown began exactly one year ago. Katie, Alan and Marion, Beryl and… Read more

Bristol Diocese - Carbon Neutral by 2030??

Our Bishops are leading the diocese in the whole area of Climate Change. About eighteen months ago the Bristol Diocesan Synod declared a Climate Emergency pledging that the diocese would become Carbon Neutral by 2030. Totally impossible? Amazingly, looking now… Read more

Education Links

St Francis School have sent James £200 for Bwaziba school from their shortbread sale! It is great to see how that link is flourishing. This was then increased by a generous £100 from someone related to one of our members!… Read more

From Your PCC

PCC met on Monday evening. Here are the decisions reached. Trickling Tap or Big Bang? Church has been officially “open” since September. At present it is a bit like visiting a stately home with all the furniture covered with sheets…. Read more

Hong Kong Ready

The UK Government opened a new route from 31st January for people in Hong Kong with a British National Overseas (BNO) passport to come to the UK. Welcome Churches is an initiative aimed to help welcome those people from Hong… Read more

Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll will be revised between 28th March and 5th May. If you are a regular worshipper with us, and would like to be included on the Roll, please ask Sharon for more details and an application form. If… Read more

Easter Services

Palm Sunday: We will have online congregational singing as members come together to sing the same hymn from our individual homes. On Maundy Thursday there will be a service of Holy Communion in church at 7:30 pm. We will share… Read more

Mothering Sunday Flowers

This year we will be giving out flowers at our 9am service and also to the members of our James Wilks House Communion service. Flowers will available to members of the 9am so they can drop them off to friends… Read more

Mercy Ships on Mothering Sunday

In a few months’ time, the Africa Mercy will appear on the West African horizon, as Mercy Ships continue to follow the 2000-year-old model of Jesus, bringing hope and healing to even more patients like Diacko. When he was three… Read more