Ride and Stride for Churches

Ride and Stride

UPDATE: A big thank you to those who have signed up to sit in church for an hour for the Saturday of the Ride and Stride Appeal. It is a huge encouragement to walkers, cyclists and others if they turn up… Read more

Farewell to Janice

We are very sad to announce the news that Janice will cease to be our Parish Administrator from Friday September 9th. She will be moving to an administrative role in a HR department. We congratulate her on her appointment. We… Read more

Investigate Investigators

We are looking for someone who is able to lead our Investigator children’s group once a month. If you are interested, or would just like to find out more about this role, please contact the Parish Office.

Prayer Ministry

It’s several months since prayer ministry was re-introduced at the end of our services and the team is really pleased that from September, we will be offering prayer ministry every week at the 11am service. If you’d like someone to… Read more

Rock Café Meetings

UPDATE 2: The second of our two ROCK meetings will be held on Tuesday (see the diary) . Our aim is to be able not just to restart the ROCK Café, but to do so on a sustainable basis. We… Read more

Bishop Eridard Thinking Big

Ever since he became a bishop, Eridard has been planning to provide pensions for the clergy in his diocese. The result is a plan to build a large scale Business Centre, which will be let to businesses to generate income to… Read more

Restore Quiz Night

Restore (the sister group to Swindon Foodbank) are having a quiz night on Friday 26 Aug 7:30pm and a Karaoke on 30th September. See www.swindonfoodbank.co.uk for more details or call Sam c/o the Parish Office.