Thy Kingdom Come - on Zoom!!

Join the Swindon prayer gatherings each day. Thursday, 13th May to Friday, 21st May 8:00am, 1:00pm and 8:00pm (Paul sent a notice out at the beginning of the week.)

Living in Love and Faith (LLF)

There are disagreements within the people of God. There are disagreements about same-sex relationships and about the Christian understanding of marriage. There are disagreements about gender identity. There are disagreements nationally and, doubtless, there will be some within our own… Read more

Confirmation Next Sunday

Tony, Grace and Ali will all be confirmed by Bishop Lee next Sunday afternoon at a Deanery Confirmation Service in Pattern Church at 4:30pm. Preparation has had to take place on Zoom and all the usual social distancing will apply… Read more

The Cheeky Pandas

Just as Natalie is having to cut down her input into our services the C of E has come to our rescue with The Cheeky Pandas. Just like VSS is aimed at primary school age children. Churches around the world… Read more