13th November

Church Prayer hour at 7:30pm in Quiet Room.  In that hour, we will have sing worship and then pray for the needs of the world and mission of our church to our community and beyond. We’d love you to join us!

3rd November

We will be having a Baptism Celebration Service at 11am instead of the 27th October. This is because the week of 27th October will be school half-term. Due to the practicalities of having a Baptism on 3rd November, we will not have Holy Communion at 9am service but a Morning Prayer service. On this Sunday at 11am service, there will be no Sunday school groups because all children and youth will be part of the service. If you wish to be baptised and has not yet spoken to Patches, please do so as soon as possible.

Can you bake a cake?

As part of the Baptism celebration service, we would love to have some cake for our refreshments. If you can bake a cake, please get in touch with Sharon our Church Administrator by 14th October. The more cakes the better! It will be helpful to indicate the ingredients, so people are aware.