It is wonderful that we are seeing new families with children coming to St John’s – that means we need to expand from two groups to three. We’re creating a new younger group for children age 3-6 years to accommodate this. I have had a good response to my initial request for new helpers and leaders, but I am looking for 3 more to ensure the rotas are covered. Is God calling you? Even if you are in your 60, 70s and 80s I want to hear from you! A helper doesn’t have to prepare any of the sessions, just be available to support the leader with the children. You could be attached to one group or be a roving helper! If you’re not sure – why not sit in on a session? Nurturing the faith of our young people is so important if we want them to develop a strong relationship with God that will continue into their adult lives. Safeguarding training and DBS are required, but I guide you through that. Please come and speak to me if you have any questions – I’ll be around between services this week – or email me