A six-session DVD resource to inspire and equip Christians to make a difference on their Frontlines

We may be old or young; healthy or infirm; rich or poor; employed or not. We may be busy or bored; optimistic or pessimistic; radically cutting edge or relatively retro. Whoever we are, as Christians, we have at least one thing in common: we each have a Frontline.

Your Frontline: the place where you spend much of your time
Your Frontline: the place where you meet people who don’t know Jesus
Your Frontline: the place God has called you
Your Frontline: the place of possibility and potential

Often though, we don’t see ourselves, our workplaces homes, colleges and clubs in this light. But what might God want to do where we are day by day? How might he use us? How will we grow?

Life on the Frontline Cover

The Timetable


Monday, 16th January Session 2: The Frontline Commission
Tuesday, 24th January Repeated
Monday, 30th January Session 3: The Frontline Community
Tuesday, 7th February Repeated
Monday, 20th February Session 4: The Frontline Concern
Tuesday, 28th February Repeated
Monday, 6th March Session 5: The Frontline Cry
Tuesday, 14th March Repeated
Monday, 20th March Session 6: The Frontline Commitment
Tuesday, 28th March Repeated


Coffee from 7:00pm

Starts at 7:30pm


Meet Anne