Who will you invite to Alpha?
Most people attend an Alpha course because they were invited to do so by a friend or family member.
That’s why we’re encouraging you to pray and think about just 3 people you can invite to our Alpha course, starting on Wednesday 27th January.
Watch this video for inspiration
All you need to do:
With the current restrictions we’re not meeting our friends face-to-face, but we can still invite them over the phone, by text or by email.
We’ve created an invitation that you can send and if you’re stuck for what to write, there’s an example email below.
This will launch an invite, send.it using email or print and hand to your friend.
This will launch a ready made email, “customise” and send. Example wording – Dear XXX My church, St John’s Haydon Wick is holding an online Alpha course starting Wednesday 27th January. The course allows people to explore the Christian faith and the meaning of life. Each session has a video with a talk and then a discussion time. It’s a very friendly and welcoming space and you can ask any questions you like. I’ve attached the invitation to this email, and there is more information about each session on the website at: https://www.stjohnshaydonwick.org.uk/alpha/ If you’d like to come along, I’d be happy to join you. We just need to register on the website, so that they can send us the Zoom link.
You can also support our Alpha course by:
- Sharing Facebook posts
Share our Facebook posts so your friends and family will see them.
- Praying
Pray, Pray, Pray – for the people you are inviting, for the Alpha team, for the conversations that will take place and that there will be no glitches with the technology.