Charmain writes:

February 10th marked the beginning of Chinese Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon.

In Hong Kong we will greet each other with blessings, each consisting of 4 words:

  • Sun Nin Fai Lok 新年快樂
    (Happy Chinese New Year)
  • Sun Tai Kin Hong 身體健康
    (Wishing you good health)
  • Lung Ma Jing San 龍馬精神
    (Wishing for an energetic year)

Lung 龍 means Dragon. Have a practise and see if we can greet each other in Cantonese on Sunday?

Greetings are usually written in black ink on thin red paper and hung on a door. In the examples below, both greetings start with the letter dragon.

  • Left: Lung Ma Jing San 龍馬精神
    (Wishing you have an energetic year)
  • Right: Lung Tan Fu York 龍騰虎躍
    (Dragon rising and Tiger Leaping)
  • Top centre: Fuk 福
    (blessings) – Worth watching this YouTube clip for this tricky word

Please join us after the 11am service on Sunday to have a taste of Chinese New Year! (Please check the food labels for allergen information).