The Well church in North Swindon is planning to open a youth café at The Underground – a small purpose-built youth centre (part of the Asda complex) next to the Library at the Orbital. This will
provide young people in years 7-11 with an afterschool drop-in space, where they can also access activities, mentoring and enrichment. The aim is to create a “home away from home”, giving young people a space of their own to enjoy, be themselves and relax, knowing they are safe, valued and cared for.
Drop-in sessions will be welcoming to everyone. There will be a variety of free choice activities on offer, such as games console, pool, board games, a study space and chill out areas. As a youth cafe, basic drinks and snacks will be provided free of charge, as well as selling a selection of subsidised food and drinks.
An initial pilot launch is planned in January 2024, opening on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3.15 – 6pm. Over time, the hope is to increase to four or five days a week, as well as introduce enrichment programmes and young leader programmes.
The Well need to build a team of committed volunteers to make the project work well and are looking to other churches in North Swindon to partner with them. They also need donations of goods, funds and help with preparing the youth café for opening.
If you would like to find out more about helping with this exciting project, Becki and Paul are hosting an information meeting at The Underground on Sunday 26th November at 7:30pm. This is open to everyone and going along doesn’t commit you to anything.