This Sunday we start our series of sermons on prayer with “Talking to God”. Hopefully all of us can learn something new about how to pray during November. I’d like to say maybe we can pray “more” or pray “better”, but those aren’t really the right words to use for prayer – it’s about being more aware of and connected to God.
We are running courses to think about prayer in more detail with video teaching, practical exercises and a workbook:
- 7:30pm on Tuesday in church from 7th November https://launch.practicingtheway.org/g/noxqmwsx
- 2:00pm Thursday from 9th November. https://launch.practicingtheway.org/g/tn2pvlim
If you use the link you can register and get access to the material online – this allows you to watch the videos even if you can’t make all the sessions. There are also some printed copies of the workbooks available in church.
The home groups meeting on Monday afternoon (Chris) and Thursday evening (Ali) will also be studying the material and would be happy for people to join them.