Since Raymond’s retirement in March, St John’s PCC have been working hard on the recruitment process for a new vicar. The process is a formal one that is guided by the Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS) and the Diocese, working with two representatives (reps) appointed by the PCC. Our reps are Mary and James.

Adverts were published in the Church Times during September and a Parish Profile prepared to describe our church, its vision, and the attributes that the church is looking for from a new vicar. Rod did a fabulous job in pulling together the thoughts of PCC (who had met for a prior ‘visioning day’ to help inform things). The visioning day and profile also reflected the feedback so many of you provided through the survey that Sharon circulated in the Summer.

Shortlisting took place in late September and a familiarisation day was held to show the shortlisted candidate around the church, parish and vicarage, and to meet members of the church involved in important areas such as children’s work and worship (among other things). The familiarisation day was then followed by the interview day itself. Thank you to everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement and to those who assisted on the day. Mary and James felt lifted up and surrounded by prayer as they sought the wisdom and discernment needed to reach a clear and confident decision.

At the end of the interview day, the panel’s view was that a preferred candidate had not been identified. While this is clearly a disappointment, the aim remains to keep seeking the Lord’s will, with the confidence that even though the process will now take longer, we will know the right person when we see them. To this end, PCC are now re-launching the adverts and the recruitment process. Please continue to pray for all those involved.”