Jesus’ disciples once asked him “Lord, teach us to pray”. We all probably feel that we would like to get better at praying. Prayer is simply the way we communicate and commune with God. If as individuals we are more immersed in prayer, then that will impact our life as a church together and what God can do through us. So at St John’s we are going to take some time in November to learn more about how to pray.

Our sermons for four weeks starting on 5th November will look at the following aspects of prayer:

  • Talking to God
  • Talking with God
  • Listening to God
  • Being with God

In addition there will be a course covering these topics in more detail with video teaching, practical exercises and a workbook you could use at home. Some of our homegroups will do this together. For those not in a home group there will be two groups meeting in church:

  • 7:30pm on Tuesday evenings in church from 7th November
  • A daytime option on Thursday or Friday. (If you are interested in this option, please let Simon know which day / time you would prefer.)

Please speak to Simon for more info or if you have any questions.