The PCC met on Monday and have agreed on a plan for the recruitment of our next vicar.

  • 10th May
    PCC will meet to pray over a vision and priorities for St John’s.
  • 13th May
    PCC will have a special meeting to discern the vision and priorities. The meeting will take into account all the feedback we received from the congregation in the recent questionnaire, as well as the flipchart notes that Bishop Lee asked us to write when he visited in November. The vision will be an important part in helping potential new vicars work out if they will fit at St John’s.
  • In May and June
    We will work on writing the Parish Profile, which is effectively a 20 page recruitment brochure to tell potential new vicars all about our church.
  • In July and August
    The Parish Profile will be refined with the Diocese of Bristol, and CPAS, who as our patrons will be the ones who actually appoint the next vicar.
  • In September
    The job will be advertised.
  • In October
    Candidates will be interviewed. If we are successful in finding someone suitable, they would probably start at St John’s early in 2024.

PCC were also delighted to agree to Rev Tom Morgan joining us on two Sundays each month to help cover services and pastoral matters, as well as helping with the vision discernment. Tom is currently a curate at The Pattern Church and shares the views about the authority of Scripture that Raymond had, so we should be in safe hands. Tom also told PCC that he thought, based on conversations he had had with clergy looking for new jobs, that St John’s would be attractive and we should be able to find a good new vicar.