We are delighted to say that Brent has agreed to become our new Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). We need one if we run children’s work.

The diocese rang the other day and were delighted to hear about Brent taking up the role as soon as his DBS is approved.

This gives us the opportunity to revisit issues like photography and filming which are such a part of modern life. I was very aware of flashes coming from all over the church during the Carol Service.

But, looking on the Church of England website, it is clear that if we are going to film or photograph anybody we actually do require their consent. It has to be written consent, because attendance at a church service reveals religious belief, which is a special category data under GDPR.

Clearly, we haven’t been doing this for those who read or lead prayers and appear on YouTube. However, if we are to keep within the law we need to get your permission – even if you have participated many times before.

Videos or photographs containing children may be used by the church only if consent has been given by their parent or guardian.

Touch is another issue. People often wonder if teachers are allowed to hug a child in school any more.

If a child in children’s work has hurt themselves or is distressed, then it is perfectly correct for the leader to comfort them.

However, the days are long past when church members could put a child on their knee or give a child a hug either inside the building or elsewhere. Being part of the same church does not give us the right to do that.

Brent will be receiving full training on all these issues, and we want to say a huge thank you to him for taking the role on.