This Tuesday our PCC will meet with Archdeacon Christopher Bryan and Mike Duff from Church Pastoral Aid Society. They will want to talk to us about how PCC can best go about the task of finding a new vicar.

Our current PCC year comes to an end with the APCM in May. That is still a little way off yet, but if you are willing to give your time to this role, it will really help the wardens during the vacancy.

PCC members will not all interview the future incumbent, but they will play a significant role in determining what kind of person we should be looking for. There are a lot of clergy out there and
they are all very different.

If, for example, you think that the next vicar should be a master of detail and not put so many jokes in the bulletin, then being on PCC is the best place to express that view. It is definitely going to
be an interesting year.