The PCC was due to meet on Wednesday with Archdeacon Christopher Bryan and Mike Duff, Patronage Secretary from CPAS (Church Pastoral Aid Society). Unfortunately, Covid 19 got in the way and we are going to need to rearrange that meeting.

You will hear a lot about CPAS in future months. Not only have we supported them as one of our Mission Partners for many years, but they are also our patrons. That is a technical term which we need to understand.

Patronage is the right to appoint a vicar. Patrons ensure that the ethos of the church is maintained. For example, we believe that the Bible is the authoritative word of God, making us an “evangelical” church.

Raymond and many others have preached their way through most books in the Bible.

This is also how CPAS like to see a church operating. They want the Bible to be front and centre. As do we. However, it is entirely possible for someone to apply to become vicar who does not share that view. As long as CPAS are our patrons, we know that fifty years from now this will still be an evangelical church.

Church Pastoral Aid Society is patron to no less than 700 different parishes. That means they have vast experience in helping PCCs with the appointment of a new vicar. They will be a really useful source of advice and guidance for the PCC and churchwardens in the days that lie ahead. As will Archdeacon Christopher.

Bishop Viv is the person who will appoint the next vicar but as PCC searches for the next vicar in the months ahead, it is fair to say that CPAS has the bigger role to play.