Sanyu Babies’ Home Uganda
“I am glad to inform you that we received your donation of £284. Thank you so much for your kind donation and we send our appreciation to the entire congregation.”
The Filling Station
“Very many thanks to St John’s for your gifts at Harvest Festival for those who are homeless in Swindon. Many people are still hungry because they are not supported out of their substance abuse. The system of total support within a hostel does not happen now.
We are currently giving out food to sixty people every Thursday evening and this would not be possible without your support.”
Tear Fund
“Thank you so much for your generous gift of £1,101, proceeds from your annual “Jar of Grace” appeal. What a wonderfully inspired name for this appeal. You are making a difference for individuals.”
Solange in the DRC
Solange in the Democratic Republic of Congo had to remove her children from school because she could not pay their fees. Funding from churches like yours meant we could provide training on new methods of farming and new techniques. She is now growing and—more importantly—selling aubergines, spinach, soya, maize and cabbage. Her children are back in school and getting the education they need for their future.”