Last week, during the communion service at 11am we offered the chalice to members of the 11am congregation for the first time since March 2020. It was received by ten people. We will continue to offer the common cup in the weeks to come.

This does not mean we will abandon our current practice of pouring wine into the individual cups that people bring to the rail. That will continue. There will always be a choice. However, our plastic glasses have run out and we do not want to invest in hundreds more plastic containers.

We never give out plastic glasses at the 9am service. The congregation always bring their own. That is a practice we are keen to encourage at the 11am. Bringing 40 or 50 glasses from the kitchen every time we have communion is not the best way forward.

You could set an alarm on your phone. We will provide you with reminders in the weeks to come. It might be a good idea to keep some glasses in your car so that, if you do forget, they are always there. And there will always be glasses available for visitors.