It was great to hear that 17 young people are hoping to join us for the adventure weekend aboard the Trinity Lightship. (Liz was speaking about this not long ago in church.) We did this trip back in 2019 and those who went had a brilliant time. There is so much more to the weekend than the ship itself, with lots of events designed to really set the heart racing.

In order to bring the cost down for the children who will be going on the weekend, we will be doing some fund raising events in the summer. This will allow our young people can get involved in raising the finances for the trip.

Before Covid, our mission statement said that we want to be “a thriving church”. Despite Covid, our older group has reached double figures twice recently. New members are joining and the Quiet Room is full of young voices.

We get a similar sense of numerical “thriving” going on behind the blue curtain on Sunday mornings. That is the sound of a living church. It means that groups need to be suitable for the age of the children involved. If God is blessing us with children in church, we need to respond. If we do not look after them, we cannot expect him to send them.

Assistant leaders are hugely important to our growth as a church family. If you would like to be part of our thriving, we would love to hear from you.