Treasurer’s Report

James described the state of the church accounts as at the 31st of December 2021. We had ended the year in a slightly better position than he had forecast a year ago. He also gave thanks for this year’s Renewal of Giving which made him confident in our ability to weather the storms we will all be facing this coming year.

Churchwarden’s Report

Sharon gave a brief report on the Church Fabric. Both the Quinquennial Inspection and Triennial Inspection had taken place during 2021 and both reports commented on the good maintenance and upkeep of the church building. She also thanked Tony, Chris and Rod for their invaluable help over the year.


Sharon and Ali were both elected as Churchwardens for the coming year. Dorothy was elected to Deanery Synod, and James, Tom and David were elected to serve on the PCC for a three year term.

For a full list of PCC members, Deanery Synod members, and Diocesan Synod members, please see the notice board in the Foyer.