Charmain has organised an event designed to welcome people from Hong Kong who are new to Swindon. She says:
“There will be a pot luck lunch here in church at 12 noon on Saturday, 6th November which we will aim to end at 3:30pm.”
Those of us who know Charmain are very aware of her interest in cooking. She loves things to be tasty and healthy. And this is not just a hobby.
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, former Health Ambassador of Swindon Borough Council, and KidsEatright campaign volunteer, she comes with a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.
“The focus this time will be on snacks. I would like to use this opportunity to promote healthy eating, so health tips will be given as well.
We want to allow people plenty of time to chat over coffee. People love to do that and it is a big part of the day. Lesley has kindly agreed to help me out . Meanwhile, we would love
to recruit a few more volunteers.” Can you help?
If anyone comes across any Hong Kong-ers that just arrived in Swindon, feel free to invite them to this event. Or contact Charmain (c/o the Parish Office).