If you’re worshipping remotely, you don’t get to hear John playing the drums, nor meet your friends face to face. But, then again, you wear what you want, have an easier start to Sunday, and don’t have to worry about parking or petrol. And things have really come on in terms of streaming since the early days.

So what does this bode for the future? By the time the COVID-19 pandemic has finally run its course, will we have lost the habit of going to church in person?

Some commentators have suggested that, just as the pandemic has accelerated the trend toward shopping, worship might just migrate online permanently. The good news is that’s not how people who’ve been worshipping online see their future. On the contrary, most Christians say that when the pandemic is over, they expect to go back to attending religious services in person as often as they did before the coronavirus outbreak. The vast majority say they plan to revert to their pre-pandemic habits.

In the United States, 92% expect that when the pandemic is fully behind us, they will attend physical services at least as often as they did in the past.

We are doing our best to balance safety and numbers on Sundays. Live worship is terrific , so do join us if you are able to do so.