It is now time for people to return any Jars of Grace that you might have. As ever your gift will be divided between Uganda and TEAR Fund. If you do not have a physical Jar, you are welcome to transfer money to the Church bank account or write a cheque, in lieu of cash. The counters would be pleased if you were to do that.

Because of Covid we are not, of course, expecting anything like as many jars as we have done in previous years.

We are also conscious that the church has responded with exceptional generosity over the last 10 months. We recently gave five and half thousand pounds towards the Archbishop of Uganda’s Emergency Fund. (I will be reproducing a letter of thanks to +Viv from him soon.) This was on top of a further £3000 which St John’s gave last April to relieve urgent distress in Uganda. Sally Robertson helped to organise a united response from the whole Swindon Deanery at that time.

So it has been a truly stupendous twelve months of giving. But, the truth is that it really had to be. The need among clergy and especially the children of clergy families in poor areas was urgent. God used us to answer their prayers and meet their need.

However, if you wish to give again your gifts will be most welcome. If you would like to , please do it soon. The church account can be provided c/o the Parish Office.

James also makes a plea that transfers are clearly labelled ‘JOG’ to ensure that he can correctly apply them to the Jar of Grace Appeal.