The Real Advent Calendar Team Writes:
“As autumn approaches and the situation around a possible second wave of the virus remains unclear, it might be tempting to ‘cancel’ Christmas. But I believe it is more important than ever that we find ways to share the Christmas story and support Fairtrade.
That is why we have decided to produce a special edition 2020 Real Advent Calendar, with rainbow markings and a new Christmas story activity book.
Because of the uncertainty this year we need you to buy now or to start planning to buy for Christmas early. I realise this is unusual but production across the UK is going to be limited this year.
For the past ten years, we have relied on people being champions by buying direct from us, spreading the word, collecting orders and encouraging others to buy. Will you be a Champion and collect orders from your church family.
If you would be willing to be the email contact and organise this for us, we can get the Christmas Message out this year. The Calendar will be £3.99”
Please email Raymond to let him know that you are happy to take this on.