Raymond will be on holiday for a couple of weeks in August. We are currently assessing the future pattern of services. So look out for more information in the bulletin next week.
Sunday services online will continue every week at 11am and will be led by Sharon while we are away. The online sermons will be given by Archdeacon Godfrey Kasana from Uganda (2nd August) and our developing All Age Service Team led by Lesley. (9th August).
We are hoping to have a “live” sermon at the 9am service on Sunday August 9th.
Lesley brought us another excellent online all age service last week, complete with two dogs dressed as lions, a vegetarian puppet, another brilliant dance video and an item on how to make your own lion delivered by future Blue Peter presenter Abigail. What will they think of next?
Hang on …we already know. It’s the wise man who built his house upon the rock…so Lesley needs pictures of Lego houses, paintings, drawings, a den house, tent, doll’s house or tree house …. Let your imagination run wild!