+Lee wrote to me to say how impressed he was with the quality of our virtual worship and how much there was that could bless other churches. He loved Paul’s phone-a–sermon service for those not on line.
Meanwhile, Mike has been helping to bring our music group together in bigger numbers to play. Look out for more new instruments joining soon.
On top of that, three of our young people are doing something special on a dance video at our service on Sunday. It is absolutely first class.
And a big thanks to Lesley and the two Amys for coming up with more excellent material for our all age service from a very hot garden in Greenmeadow. Brian has an unforgettable walk-on part! Not to be missed.
Finally, for those at secondary school. Sorry—you have been a bit left out up to now—but we are catching up. Look out for some great new content in this and future services. This week—the Plank Challenge.