James presented us with an outline of our financial position. He has no crystal ball but give us three possible scenarios for the future. The lockdown could have a low impact on our finances, a medium impact or a high impact. Right now it is impossible to say which it will be.

Because of wise stewardship in the past we have no immediate concerns. We are not to go bankrupt anytime soon.

Thank you for your continuing standing orders. We also know that many of you are faithfully saving envelopes at home until the day you can hand them over. If anyone wishes to talk to James about anything do with giving or the church finances, our treasurer would be pleased to hear from you.

We would love to tell you that we have repaired the subsiding floor. However, the lockdown has many casualties and the floor is one of them.

Bishop Viv asked us to tell her what has been going well in the lockdown.

PCC members cited the online innovation, the weekly services with input from so many sources and the coffee on Zoom after our Sunday worship.

What do you feel has been lost?

  • Fellowship
  • Social connection
  • Prayer Ministry
  • Holy Communion
  • Momentum and Hope

Initiatives, like the discipleship course and the confirmation course, were put on hold. New families had just begun to worship with us. It is hard.

What have we learned? It may be that streaming still has a big part to play in our services once the lockdown is finally over.