Pattern Church have invited us to join their next Online Alpha Course starting Wednesday, 29th April at 7:30pm. Ali Wiltshire has just finished the Alpha course and she and Raymond will lead the St John’s virtual table on this one.

Each week there is a short talk and a chat at the end where you can share your thoughts and questions. If at any point someone decides Alpha isn’t for them, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge. Ali says:

“I was with a wonderful group of people to watch the film and then explore our thoughts, questions and experiences. Everyone was at a different level on our spiritual journey. Some were not sure if they believed— others like myself had a strong belief in God but had only recently started attended church regularly.”

You will hear more on Sunday at the service and an email will arrive on Monday which you can pass on to people who would like to know more—or sign up yourself: