So how good is your memory?

Last week we heard of people in Jesus’ day who memorised the entire Old Testament. It was the work of a lifetime – a feat we, in the age of the tablet, can scarcely imagine.

And yet …. people still manage to recall extraordinary details on Pop Master. What song got to number three at Christmas 1964? They remember it. The same with sport. Some teenagers can tell you the exact minute the winning goal was scored in an FA cup quarter final three years ago.

But for some reason it’s a lot harder to make Scripture stick in our memory. That’s where Lent Challenge 2020 from Bible Society comes in.

This Lent, Bible Society is promoting Bible memorisation. The aim is to store up God’s word in our hearts and share the good news with others. Their message is

“We challenge you to join in. We’ve picked out 40 inspiring Scriptures to take you from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, and well on your way to forming a Bible memorisation habit. Bible memorisation takes time, effort and discipline, but it’s well worth the effort. It builds and strengthens our faith, enriches our prayer life and helps us to share the gospel with others. What a great way to prepare for Easter!”

Whether you manage 5 Scriptures or all 40, may ‘the word of Christ dwell in you richly’ and flow out of you in the way you live (Colossians 3.16).

Find out more about the Bible Society Lent Challenge 2020 here.