Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. So, for disciples of Jesus, money is fundamentally about giving not getting.
The PCC believes it is important to set an example when it comes to giving. We cannot ask our members to give generously if we as a PCC do not. That would demonstrate a lack of integrity.
For this reason, our current giving to mission partners in Swindon, the UK and round the world stands at 11% of our income plus special things like the Jar of Grace.
Last year we were able to give the following amounts to just some of the organisations we support financially and in prayer. You can see the full list in the Treasurer’s Annual Report in the Foyer. Here is a glimpse.
- Bible Society for the completion of the Albanian Bible – £1347
- CPAS for mission in the UK – £1347
- CMS – for Peter and Sally Bartlett in Paraguay – £1347
- Willows Counselling Services – £673
- Swindon Youth for Christ – £673
- Swindon Pregnancy Choices – £673
In all the sum we gave away as a church in 2018 amounted to £14,370.