Thank you for all your application forms to re-join the electoral roll.
That process is now completed and will not happen again for another six years! Please check your details on the list in the foyer.
We want to say a huge “Thank You” to our Electoral Roll Officer, Sharon, for all her work on this. It is a mammoth undertaking but she has brought it to a very satisfactory conclusion with her excellent organisational skills.
And even better—she now has an official license to herd cats.
But her work is not quite over. We need to be ready for the APCM on Monday, 29th April. That means we will be voting for members for the new PCC. We are delighted to say that Sam has agreed to stand as churchwarden. And now we are looking for three new PCC members to fill the vacancies that are available this year. Our PCC is unusual in that the ration of men to women is quite high.
We have only three women members in Sharon, Helen and Carol. So although we have the quality it would be nice to add to the quantity of female members so that we have a more representative group.
If you feel God is calling you to serve on PCC please ask Sharon for an application form. We are not discouraging men from standing. Far from—but we are encouraging women to put their names forward.
The date of the APCM is Monday, 29th April.
We will launch our new Strategic Plan on Sunday, 12th May in church.