We are planning to have a weekend away for our Challengers Group in October. The aim is to spend time together on a lightship, building relationships, having fun and growing in faith. The big challenge is now to raise money for this venture. So the group is well named.

So far – we have three events in place. Do please get these in your diary.

  • Saturday, 18th May: Beetle Drive and Ploughman’s Supper from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM here in church.

Tickets are £5 per person or £15 for a family. A signup sheet will be available after Easter. Beetle is great fun and very competitive. Even better, luck is involved so, unlike the General Knowledge Quiz, the Robertsons are not guaranteed to win it.

  • Saturday 22 June: Coffee morning 10:00am to 12 noon. Increase the total raised and eat something nice.
  • Saturday 13 July: Sponsored car wash from 10:00am to 12:30pm.

I have no doubt you will want to support our young people in their fundraising in order to make sure everyone is able to go that weekend.

Now – we do have a serious issue with Challengers. After many years, Nigel is stepping down at Easter. That means we need someone to replace him. You can see the energy that there is within this group. And you can see how vitally good leadership is needed to make sure that it continues. If you believe that God is calling you to make a difference in the lives of our young people, then do please get in touch with Liz or Raymond.