This is an 8-session course helping you explore the world’s bestseller.
Using a unique storyline, the course shows how the key events, books and characters all fit together. You’ll get to see the BIG picture and discover how the Bible applies to your life.
Most of us read the bible is short sections. But we don’t get the big picture. The Bible Course aims to help you get a grasp of the whole story over a couple of months. It is an investment of time that will serve you well when you come to read the Bible on your own.
A typical session includes:
- 15 minute teaching video
- 25 minute discussion time
- 15 minute teaching video
- 10 minute personal reflection to finish.
The aim is to start on week beginning Monday Jan 21 for home groups.
The content of the course over eight sessions includes:
- Introducing the Bible
- Creation & Covenant
- Exodus & Promised Land
- Judges & Kings
- Exile & Prophets
- Jesus & the Gospels
- Acts & the Church
- Revelation & Review
The best way to find out more is to google “The Bible Course”. There is lots of stuff about it on there. You can even watch the whole of Session 1 online on their website. Or just dip into it to get a flavour of the course.
We felt this was too good to miss. Rather than just run it just as a course for Home Group members, we would love to run it as a Lent course.
How Would That Work?
Raymond and Andy will be running the course in the Quiet Room on a Wednesday evening between now and Easter for those who feel they would like to increase their understanding of how the whole Bible fits together. We will start that on Wednesdat, 23rd January. Please let Catherine know if you would like to be part of that.