This year’s Christmas programme at St. John’s is going to be full of festive opportunities to engage with our local community. As well as Christingles services, the Carol concert and Christmas services, we also have these special events that we’d love you to support:

Saturday, 1st December: Senior’s Christmas Lunch

Following St. John’s long tradition, this will be at the Haydon Centre and gives local senior guests a meal and celebration. The new leaders running this are Richard & Gail and Faure & Louise. Please speak to them if you can help.

Saturday, 8th December: Christmas Carols and Crafts

A day-time event when the Rock Café will be open, Carols will be sung hourly and there will be free refreshments and craft activities for both children and adults to enjoy. This is being led by volunteers from the Rock Café, Craft Club and the Outreach Team and we’d love you to invite and bring friends and neighbours. Speak to Catherine if you’d like to be involved. More news on both events coming soon. But for now, please get dates in your diaries.