Foodbank no longer exists under the old name. It has closed and a new organisation has opened. It is called The Swindon Food Collective. Swindon Foodbank was one of our eight nominated charities and the question of transferring our donation, will have to be considered at the next PCC meeting.

Meanwhile, we are committed to providing produce. The season of harvest is, for all food banks, a hugely important time. That is when they receive a large percentage of the items they need. Harvest is for a Foodbank what Christmas is for a toy shop or Bank Holiday Monday for Homebase!

St John’s is officially a Breakfast Church, which means that, throughout the year, we provide the kind of items that people have for breakfast. Just put them in the box outside.

We will be publishing a full list of additional non-perishable foodstuffs that the Swindon Food Collective are hoping to receive at Harvest . That will be October 14th.