Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the World. He brings us hope. We thank God that we have an Archbishop who believes that completely.

Last year, the Justin Welby launched Thy Kingdom Come to help Christians internationally to share that hope by sharing Jesus with those we know. This was a truly global initiative, with countries right across the world joining in. Once again this year, Archbishop Justin is encouraging us to pray “Thy Kingdom Come” so that we are renewed in our witness to Christ. This has been the theme of our current sermon series which will come to a conclusion on May 20, the last day of Thy Kingdom Come.

The Archbishop is asking churches to pray specifically that people might come to know Jesus Christ. He is encouraging us to do that as individuals, and to find a way to do it in our communities.

Churches Coming Together

Prayer cannot be separated from evangelism. They are two sides of the same coin. St Mary’s Rodbourne Cheney will be the focus of our prayer in this part of Swindon. Just as last year, St Mary’s will be open for 24 hours of prayer beginning at 7pm on Friday 11th May, and continuing right through until 7pm on Saturday 12th May. Prayer will be taking place at all times during that 24 hours, including the middle of the night. Bishop Lee writes, “I very much hope your parish can make the most of this moment …and join together across the churches in a global wave of prayer.”

There is some practical guidance on sharing your faith in the form of two short videos which we should be looking at in our home groups as part of the current series. Raymond will be speaking on Sunday about one initiative we will be running in September and October, making use of the new opportunities brought to us by being part of the new and wider parish.