So far we have received 79 Jars/gifts with a total to date of £4,264 (including Gift Aid tax refunds) compared with last year’s final total of £3,531 from 73 Jars/gifts. Every penny raised is shared between the work we support in Luweero and Tearfund’s Children at Risk programme. So, if you have a Jar of Grace still sitting at home, please bring it back so that it is included in the 2017 total. We will close the 2017 Jar of Grace Appeal on 18th February 2018 and announce the final total in the bulletin on 25th February 2018. If you haven’t used a Jar of Grace this time, you can donate by putting your gift in an envelope marked ‘JAR OF GRACE’ and give it to our Treasurer, Andrew, or to one of the Churchwardens. Cheques should be made payable to ‘PCC of St. John’s, Haydon Wick’. Alternatively, you can transfer your donation straight into the St. John’s bank account. For further details, please contact Andrew.